Elan Dance Est.

Oooh Yesss Honey.

You’re reading this because you’re finally ready to get your GROWN AND SEXY on. It’s taken some courage for you to get here so props to you. The good news, that’s the hard part. The rest will come quite naturally if you continue to trust you’re in good hands. Hands of industry professionals who have a knack for empowering women and men alike with so much sass and confidence you wont recognise yourself at the end of this course.

So let’s get to it and strike a pose with your HEELS ON.

🔜 Classes officially start NEXT WEEK and you’re invited to COME STRUT YOUR BEST STUFF WITH OUR STAFF


👠Mondays at 630pm
👠Tuesdays at 800pm and
👠Wednesdays at 800pm

✉︎ heelson@elandance.com.au and use promo code, GROWN & SEXY for discounted January class rates.

Before you go! Don’t forget to check us out on Channel 7 Today Tonight show!