Meet Ridhima!
“I felt like I was missing some spice in my life. A hobby that was my own, something exciting to look forward to after a long day at work, and something to bring up during boring icebreakers! Elan delivered...”
How are we half way through the year already?! Brace yourself, winter is coming, but our dancer of the month has been heating up the dance floor in spite of the dropping mercury! We hung out with Ridhima to ask her a few questions about her dance journey and her time with Elan.
Tell us about how you got into dancing.
“My mum used to put me in heaps of different dance classes when I was growing up, from traditional Indian styles to contemporary and hip hop. I was always exposed to dance, but I stopped dancing one I finished school. After that, I mostly just danced in my bedroom…not a lot of space to work with if I’m being honest!”
What made you decide on Élan?
“I decided to actually do the whole new year new me thing, and googled some dance studios at the start of the year. I was after a social, fun environment where I could practice and grow- Elan was my first pick as it fit the description perfectly.”
What was your first experience like at the studio?
“I was trying to fake it till I make it, but inside I was super nervous and scared, and kept blanking! It took nearly a month to gain some confidence and accept that I will make some mistakes and I will have some wins too- it’s all a part of getting better at something I have a passion for. I subsequently ended up overcoming a huge life hurdle that set me back so many times in the past!”
What were you hoping to get out of the experience?
“I felt like I was missing some spice in my life. A hobby that was my own, something exciting to look forward to after a long day at work, and something to bring up during boring icebreakers! Elan delivered.”
What Made you stick it with it?
“First, I saw my confidence grow- this was huge because I’m such a perfectionist, if I can’t do something right, I don’t want to do it at all. But the positivity and support at Elan made me want to keep trying. I made some new friends too, which again is so amazing because once I started that full-time adulting life, all my friends were either from uni or from my work. Elan gives me the opportunity to make friends, and hang out with them while doing something we mutually enjoy! Lastly, it’s exactly the boost I needed for my fitness too. Gym can get quite boring, sweating while dancing is way more fun!”
What would you say to people who are scared to give it a go?
“Come in, watch a class, and talk to the lovely ladies who work there. That’s exactly how I started, shoutout to Nora for giving me the encouragement I needed to sign up and just try! Once you do your first class, you’re bound to come back for another. It’s so exciting to have that hour to just focus on yourself in the Elan bubble, it’s the perfect productive escape.”
What would you say is your biggest highlight since joining Élan?
“My biggest highlight was that moment when I wasn’t scared to be at the front during an end-of-class performance. I’m not sure when it happened, but I felt so confident, like I nailed this choreo! I got this! Let’s go! Camera on me please!!! It’s the best feeling, and if I mess up, I just keep going. Those feel-good endorphins are unmatched!
My other HUGE highlight is getting my friends to try it too. I didn’t know I had such strong persuasive language skills but I’ve got nearly all my friends to try Elan, and quite a few of them got hooked just like I did. That’s that Elan magic. 😉“
Congratulations Ridhima! Thank you for bringing joy and passion to our community. We can’t wait to dance with you again.
There you have it Perth!? If you resonate with Ridhima’s story give us a call so we can get you started on the journey of your best life.
Yes, we offer Australia’s most inclusive and grooviest hip hop dance class for adults, teens, tweens and toddlers but above all, we make your mental and physical well being our number one business.
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